McGill University, Canada
Ma’n H. Zawati (LL.B., LL.M., Ph.D. (DCL)) is an Associate Professor at McGill University’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and the Research Director of the Centre of Genomics and Policy in the Department of Human Genetics. He is also an Associate Member in the Department of Medicine, the Department of Equity, Ethics and Policy and the Faculty of Law. His work is interdisciplinary, drawing together perspectives from law, ethics, genomics, and policy. His research mainly focuses on the legal, ethical and policy dimensions of health research and clinical care, specializing in data sharing, governance, professional liability, and the use of novel technologies (e.g., mhealth apps, WGS, WES and Artificial Intelligence). During COVID-19, Prof. Zawati was instrumental in establishing the ethics governance for multiple initiatives, including the Quebec COVID19 Biobank (BQC19), CGEn’s HostSeq project and the COVID-19 Immunity Task Force. His work has facilitated access and use of data and samples across jurisdictions.